Friday 19 May 2023

Prevention of MITM attack


Prevention of Man in the Middle Attack (MITM)

Several practical steps are required to block MITM attacks on the user's part. It also required a combination of verification methods and encryption for applications. The various preventions of MITM are as follows:

WEP/WAP Encryption

If our wireless access point has a strong encryption mechanism, it will prevent our network from joining unwanted users who are nearby our network. The attackers will brute force into a network if we have weak encryption mechanisms, and then it will begin MITM attacking. The safe network is provided by strong encryption implementation.

Router login credentials

If we are applying a router, we have to make sure to change the default router login. Including the Wi-Fi password, we have to also change the router login credentials. The attacker can change their malicious server to our DNS server if they find our router login credentials. They can also do even worse. They can change our router with malicious software.

VPN (Virtual Private Network)

In a local area network, a secure environment for sensitive data is provided by a virtual private network. Using key-based encryption, they can provide secure communication. Due to this way, an attacker cannot decipher the traffic in a virtual private network even if an attacker happens to get a shared network.


Using the public-private key exchange, HTTPS can securely transfer data or communicate over HTTP. Due to this, the data that the attacker wants to sniff can be prevented. Websites should not provide HTTP as an alternative. They should only use HTTPS. By installing browser plugins, users can enforce always use of HTTPS on requests.

Encrypted Data

Using the robustly encrypted and transmitted data with authentication, secure communication protocols like HTTPS (Hypertext transfer protocol secure) and TLS (Transport layer security) help mitigate spoofing for website operators. Using this, the interception of site traffic can be prevented, and the decryption of sensitive information like authentication tokens can be blocked.


If we want to secure every page of the website and not only the login page required by the user, the applications can use SSL/TLS. This reduces the chances of stealing session cookies by the attacker. This will protect the user's browsing data, which is entered while login into an unsecured section of the website.

Public key pair-based authentication

Spoofing of something is typically involved in man-in-the-middle attacks. Various layers of stacks can use public key pair authentication as RSA to ensure whether the things we want to communicate with are actually the things we are communicating.

Using Imperva to protect against MITM

Because of the suboptimal implementation of SSL/TLS like the ones that support the outdated use or enabled the exploit and under-secured ciphers, MITM attacks often occur. To control these, Imperva provides end-to-end encryption of SSL/TLS in an optimized way for their customers, as part of its suite of security services. Imperva offers managing services. Professional security maintained the configuration of SSL/TLS and kept it up to date to counter q1emerging threats and to keep up with compliance demands.

To ensure compliance with the latest demands of PCI DSS and to prevent compromising attacks of SSL/TLS, the certificates are optimally implemented if we are hosted on Imperva. If we want to enforce the security of SSL/TLS across multiple subdomains, we can configure HSTS (HTTP Strict Transport Security) under the Imperva cloud dashboard. This can also secure the web application and website from cookie hijacking attempts and protocol downgrade attacks.

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